Extended QGIS Web Client release 1.8.2 available on GitHub with release notes. Since last post was for release 1.6, this is cumulative report from version 1.6 to the latest. Main improvements are:
QGIS Server 3.4 supported
All of the EQWC features are working with latest QGIS Server version. QGIS Server 3.4 is about to replace 2.18 as Long term release, so its important that Web client support it. Also, if you upgrade to 3.4 you don’t have to bother with special fix for printing to PDF issue that is on 2.18. If you are on Windows, well unless you are some Tech Guru, you will be better off just switching to Linux.
Layer features table
User has option to switch between:
- Showing all features from layer in attribute table (of course up to the limit)
- Show only features that are currently visible in Map Extent. Of course table in this case refreshes on every map move or zoom. And this works pretty cool.
Location panel in mobile client
Location panel shows information like: coordinates, accuracy, height with visible location accuracy.

Client settings documentation
All of the settings are documented here: Eqwc.settings
Mobile client – New Button to trigger identify on current location
Option to Export layer in own layers CRS or transformed to map CRS
Layer legend displaying with vertical scroller if over maximum height
Modify gecode search (Web+Mobile) for Mapbox geocoding API
Option to display line and area measurements in English (imperial) units
A lot of minor fixes and changes which is listed with every release decription.